Ashwagandha For Better Sleep: Gummies To Help You Chill Out


We live in a world where getting good sleep has become a luxury. How often do you ask someone how they’re feeling, and their response is, “Tired, but good.”

Why has feeling tired become an accepted part of being a human in our modern age?! 

While “catching up on sleep” sounds like a remedy, it doesn’t actually work and only adds to the idea that you don’t need good sleep during the week. This isn’t just wrong information. It’s causing loads of health issues. 

Over an extended period, not sleeping well can lead to weight gain, memory issues, mood disorders, susceptibility to substance abuse, and insomnia. Add to that the daily stresses of work and relationships, and the problems become overwhelming.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, chances are the day-to-day feels “off” somehow. Maybe you’re constantly late or fall behind with work. Perhaps every new email or meeting leaves you exhausted and drained. You’ve noticed that it’s common to go from happy to stress instantly.

Constantly feeling tired and stressed is no way to live and enjoy your life! 

Adaptogenic herbs are making their way into the spotlight for a good reason. Herbs like ashwagandha help with sleep. They also provide better resilience for everyday stressors.


What is ashwagandha?

Also known as Indian Winter Cherry, Indian Ginseng, or by its scientific name withania somnifera, ashwagandha is a shrub that has been used in Ayurveda (traditional medicine in India) for centuries. The plant roots are harvested for their medicinal properties. Ashwagandha is typically available to consume as teas, powders, tinctures, or supplements (pills or tablets).

Since it is a root, it’s not surprising that ashwagandha tastes somewhat bitter and earthy. It also smells rather “barn-like” — in Sanskrit, ashwagandha is translated as “smell of the horse.” Not exactly an appealing description. 

Its smell and flavor are often why ashwagandha is paired with more exciting sensory flavors in teas and tinctures. You know, to make the medicine go down…which we don’t mind one bit.


How ashwagandha helps you sleep better. 

Humans need cortisol, just not constantly. In earlier times, cortisol would have been released in life or death situations. Running from a tiger? Cortisol is a great help.

Now, cortisol is almost like an IV drip into your system. Notification pings, email dings, and phones ringing can all trigger a cortisol release. Did that sentence stress you out a little? Stress has become as pervasive as pollution — it’s everywhere. We feel like we have adapted because we live in it every day.

Your nervous system is stretched to the limit every day. 

When cortisol levels are elevated every day, your whole system becomes dysregulated, and it’s a downward spiral from there. From waking up and immediately hitting the snooze button to downing coffee until dinnertime, the body and brain are in a constant tug-of-war between stress levels spiking and feeling that sense of energy crashing. 

This doesn’t end just because the day does, either. When the daytime body and brain are fried, the nighttime body and brain don’t automatically go into rest mode. Anxiety peaks, and that feeling of “tired and wired” kicks in right as your head hits the pillow.

Despite what we’ve been told throughout school, sleep isn’t just about the time between climbing into bed and waking up in the morning. Daily activities play a significant role in the body and brain’s ability to wind down at the end of the day. Sleep disorders such as trouble sleeping and insomnia start and end with your nervous system. 

Adaptogens do their best, most important work to help the nervous system respond to and recover from stress. Ashwagandha is most well known for its effects on cortisol. 

Being the powerful adaptogen that it is, ashwagandha enhances the body’s resilience to stress and reduces anxiety. By doing so, the body can respond much better to daily stressors and allow the brain to settle down at the end of the day. 

The constant IV drip of cortisol slows, and your body regulates the output much more efficiently.


Add ashwagandha to your daily routine.

While you can consume ashwagandha powder on its own, we don’t recommend it because, you know, it smells like a horse and tastes like dirt. Don’t torture yourself in the name of better health. You want to do something that tastes great, is easy to do daily, and makes you feel good. Otherwise, it just won’t stick as a habit. 

You might be wondering: how much ashwagandha should I take*? 

Many clinical studies have recommended dosages of 100-1,000 milligrams of ashwagandha as effective and safe. One study found that participants taking 300mg of ashwagandha (twice per day) for 60 days had a significant reduction in stress and anxiety, as well as improved (self-assesed) overall quality of life. 

As with any herb or supplement, it is wise to start low and introduce higher doses gradually.  Take the time to notice how you feel. Even though it works in your system right away, it can take a few weeks to experience a difference with ashwagandha. It’s taken years for you to feel the effects of constant stress, so let this herb take its time to help you adapt to and reverse what you’ve been feeling. 

One of our favorite ways to add ashwagandha to our regimen is in gummy form. Daily Hero is a multivitamin gummy that equips you to tackle minor stressors, constant annoyances, mild frustrations, and BIG stress — like that meeting you forgot about and didn’t prepare for. 

Let all of that stress melt away so you can end your day feeling at peace and ready for the best sleep you’ve had in ages.


If you have trouble sleeping or know you have a sleep disorder, ashwagandha can help.

Instead of using the weekends to catch up on sleep, wouldn’t it be nice to use them to enjoy your time away from work? 

Many mind-body exercises such as yoga and meditation aid in stress reduction. However, using adaptogenic herbs such as ashwagandha adds to your toolkit for combating insomnia and terrible sleep patterns. Know your resources, and use them to your advantage. 

One of our favorite ways to prepare for a great night of deep, restful sleep is with Deep Sleep. Because waking up refreshed isn’t just for vacation anymore.


*Trufa Health recommends that you always consult with your naturopathic doctor or primary care physician before starting any new supplement.

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